Code Coverage in .NET

This post delves into the current .NET landscape when we aim to collect Code Coverage. We examine the most frequently used tools such as Coverlet, dotCover, and dotnet-coverage, among others. We discuss how to upload a Code Coverage report to a SaaS product like SonarQube. Lastly, we explain how to publish a Code Coverage report into an Azure Pipeline run or a GitHub Action.
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How to integrate your Roslyn Analyzer project with SonarQube

Right now there are 2 ways to add rules from a Roslyn Analyzer project into SonarQube. In this post I want to show you how both options work and also what’re the pros and cons of one over the other.
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Setting up the SonarQube scanner when building a .NET Core container image

If you’re using containers quite probably you’re doing the build, test and analysis steps inside the Dockerfile, and setting up the SonarQube scanner when building the image can be a little more cumbersome than usual, and that’s why I wanted to write a little bit about it.
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