How to integrate your Roslyn Analyzer project with SonarQube

Right now there are 2 ways to add rules from a Roslyn Analyzer project into SonarQube. In this post I want to show you how both options work and also what’re the pros and cons of one over the other.
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How to configure your custom roslyn analyzer using an .editorconfig file

Roslyn Analyzers are extensions that analyze source code and report violations. Some analyzers are built-into VS and some are third party ones which can be installed (like StyleCopyAnalyzers, FxCopAnalyzers, etc.). On today’s post I will show you how you can configure your custom roslyn analyzers with an .editorconfig file.
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Enforce the use of a specific .NET Core version using Roslyn

In these past few years Microsoft has kept a steady flow of new .NET Core versions, and if you have hundreds of applications in your company it’s almost impossible to keep them updated to the most recent version of the framework. If you want to enforce that everyone on your company is using the correct framework version when they create a new application you can use a Roslyn Analyzer.
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