Code Coverage in .NET

This post delves into the current .NET landscape when we aim to collect Code Coverage. We examine the most frequently used tools such as Coverlet, dotCover, and dotnet-coverage, among others. We discuss how to upload a Code Coverage report to a SaaS product like SonarQube. Lastly, we explain how to publish a Code Coverage report into an Azure Pipeline run or a GitHub Action.
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Building an Azure DevOps Copilot using .NET 8, Semantic Kernel and Azure OpenAI GPT-4o

This post demonstrates how to create an Azure DevOps Copilot that utilizes a small subset of the Azure DevOps REST API. To achieve this, we will be using Semantic Kernel along with .NET 8 and Azure OpenAI.
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Getting started with OpenTelemetry and distributed tracing in .NET

OpenTelemetry is a collection of APIs, SDKs, tools, and integrations designed for the creation and management of telemetry data, including traces, metrics, and logs. In today’s post, I’m going to demonstrate how you can begin using OpenTelemetry (OTEL) and distributed tracing with .NET.
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Announcing or how to build a .NET news aggregator site

Let’s check how I build my new site This site is a .NET news aggregator that updates its content every three hours. The main technologies employed to build it include Hugo, Python and Github Actions.
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Building and deploying a .NET 8 App on an ARM64 processor using Azure Pipelines and AWS ECS Fargate. Part 2: Demo

In this two-part series, I’m going to show you how to build and deploy a .NET 8 app container image that targets an ARM64 processor. In part 2, we will attempt to perform an end-to-end process. This will involve building a .NET 8 API, containerizing the app targeting an ARM64 processor using Azure Pipelines, and deploying it on AWS ECS Fargate. Furthermore, a benchmark will also be conducted to compare the performance of the application running on an ARM64 Fargate container versus an AMD64 Fargate container.
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