How to push a container image to Azure Container Registry (ACR) using Terraform

In this brief post, I want to show 3 options you can use to push an application into an Azure Container Registry (ACR) using Terraform.
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An opinionated list of tips for building .NET 8 app templates

I have been developing .NET templates for quite some time, and as a result, I thought it might be helpful to compile a list of tips to consider when creating a .NET template for your own or your company’s apps.
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Getting started with OpenTelemetry Metrics in .NET 8. Part 2: Instrumenting the BookStore API

In this two-part series, I’m going to show you how to use OpenTelemetry to generate custom metrics and how to visualize those metrics using Prometheus and Grafana. In part 2, I’ll demonstrate how to add OpenTelemetry Metrics to a real life .NET 8 app and how to visualize those metrics using Prometheus and Grafana.
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Getting started with OpenTelemetry Metrics in .NET 8. Part 1: Key concepts

In this two-part series, I’m going to show you how to use OpenTelemetry to generate custom metrics and how to visualize those metrics using Prometheus and Grafana. In part 1, I’ll be discussing some key concepts that you should know when using OpenTelemetry Metrics with dotnet.
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Trying to automate Microsoft Entra ID App Registration process using Terraform

The purpose of this post is to test the App Registration process using the latest version of the Terraform provider for Microsoft Entra ID. To achieve this, we’re going to register multiple apps on Microsoft Entra ID and make them interact with each other using a couple of different OAuth2 authorization flows.
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