Profiling a .NET6 app running on AWS ECS Fargate with dotnet-monitor

The dotnet-monitor tool is an alternative to the .NET CLI diagnostic tools. In this post I’ll show you how to deploy a .NET 6 application into AWS ECS Fargate with dotnet-monitor as a sidecar container, and afterwards how you can profile an app using the dotnet-monitor HTTP API.
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Some common gotchas when trying to deploy a dotnet gRPC app to AWS ECS

Lately I’ve been deploying a sizable amount of gRPC services to AWS ECS so I thought it might be useful to talk a little bit about some gotchas I have encountered. Some of the problems I’ll be talking about on this post are specific of the .NET implementation of gRPC and another ones are from the AWS side.
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An opinionated approach about how to create an AWS ECS Fargate cluster and deploy apps on it using Azure DevOps Pipelines

These past couple of weeks I’ve been tinkering with AWS ECS Fargate and after losing some time tackling different approaches I thought it might be useful to write down what I ended up building, so without further ado let’s dig in.
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