Testing Chiseled Ubuntu container images with .NET

The objective of this post is to test Ubuntu Chiseled images in combination with .NET, evaluating whether it is truly worthwhile to migrate our .NET apps to utilize these base images or not.
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Building a Q&A app capable of answering questions related to your enterprise documents using Azure OpenAI’s GPT-4, Pinecone and Streamlit.

The purpose of this post is to show you how to build a basic GPT-4 Q&A app in just a couple of hours that is capable of answering questions about your company’s internal documents. We will use Azure OpenAI, Pinecone and Streamlit to build it.
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Building a serverless API that tweets about my blog posts using Azure OpenAI and LangChain

This post is going to show you a simple way of building a serverless Python API that uses LangChain and Azure OpenAI to create tweets summarizing the content of my blog posts.
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How to integrate your Roslyn Analyzer project with SonarQube

Right now there are 2 ways to add rules from a Roslyn Analyzer project into SonarQube. In this post I want to show you how both options work and also what’re the pros and cons of one over the other.
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5 ways to deploy a .NET Lambda using AWS CDK

This post is going to walk you through 5 different ways to deploy a .NET lambda using AWS CDK.
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